The tool allows instructors to create custom rubrics and QuickMark (a standard mark/comment that can be reused on student papers). GradeMark: provides a paperless, browser-based grading environment for instructors (and teaching assistants).PeerMark: allows for an online peer review environment for students to evaluate each other’s work.Databases contain the current and archived web, more than 337 million student submitted papers, and content from Turnitin’s content partnerships with leading content publishers (including library databases, textbook publishers, digital reference collections, subscription-based publications, homework helper sites, and books). Originalit圜heck: helps instructors check students’ work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against Turnitin’s content databases.Turnitin has a suite of internal tools that includes: It also offers valuable internal tools that allow for peer review activities and multiple options for instructor feedback.

It is an easy way of helping students learn the difference between paraphrasing and quoting and how to avoid plagiarism. Turnitin is a simple but valuable learning tool that provides detailed feedback about the originality of student writing submissions. Student writing progress is tracked with real time data.